I'm a disabled artist based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I've been a resident of Inglis House Care Facility for nearly 40 years. My work is exhibited in IH's Artists in Residence Gallery and has also been displayed at various nearby venues. I paint for the joy it brings me and others. I paint things I like and I frequently do commissioned portraits of friends, families, and pets.

Some of my original works are found on this site and I hope you enjoy your visit.


I'm Robert Woltanski

I am a disabled artist and I have been paralyzed since June 1974 when a drug-related accident left me with limited arm function and nearly normal shoulder functions. I was an art major in high school but didn't take it seriously. Perhaps if I had, my life certainly wouldn't have taken such a bumpy road. My long recovery led me to Inglis House, a long term residence for the physically disabled. I arrived at IH in January 1980, and have been here ever since.

At first, it was frustrating trying to paint with a disability. I kept at it and with the help of numerous tutors at IH, re-connected with my creative muse. Earlier on I painted with a brush held in my teeth. Over time however, my neck muscles started giving out. Currently I'm holding a brush between my fists order to paint.

My own interests are varied and diverse, but the arts and music have always been especially appealing to me and I've managed to eke out a modest income from my painting doing mostly portraits of IH staff families and the like.

Robert Woltanski

Inglis House

Not only a Philadelphia landmark, but the place I call home. A peaceful oasis in the heart of the busy city that surrounds me. Inglis House is a skilled-nursing and long-term care community founded in 1877. Inglis specializes in services to non-geriatric adults with severe neurodegenerative physical disabilities resulting in paraplegia and quadriplegia. With over 250 wheelchaired residents, Inglis creates a home-like community of people, living and working together with no limitations to enjoy lives of purpose, meaning, and happiness.



But occasionally you'll find me on Facebook trying to save the world from itself, or simply posting goofy crap.